Friday, July 23, 2010

This question haunts me right now. I write because there are other people in my brain yelling at me to tell their story. I write because I must. There is no way to explain to non-writers how it feels to be haunted. To have them pace back and forth taping their fingers against your every moment until you release them through your fingertips onto what media you are using be it a typewriter or a pencil or a keyboard to the computer.

Those creatures, both good and bad, weak and strong, must be released or I would become insane. There is a feeling that comes over you as you write of freedom. A freedom that can not exist anywhere else. The people and things that find themselves upon the screen or on the paper, they can do anything. They can fly, sing, cry. They are the only real things that are free in my life. And only after they escape me.

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