Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

My Secret Friend. You are always here for me even when I forget about you, and that makes me love you more. How have you been? My life has been full of a lot of different things, but nothing very exciting to speak about.

I have been writing a lot of flash fiction, and attempting to get something published somewhere. Which means a lot of rejection letters. I have gained 4 of them so far, so moving forward. Might try to publish a few of my poems instead for some time while I work on my novel, short stories (10 pagish), and other longer pieces. I need to work on my person web site, and marketing myself. This I am not very good at. I am a normal girl with normal views. I don't exactly see myself as the 'next best thing', just hoping to be a living writer.

This week I need to write a proposal for my novel. This should be fun. What it is and isn't like. Thankfully I have read A LOT of YA - which the genre my book is in. I need to finish up the ending, but I myself need to take time and reread everything. I think that will be my goal soon. Take a one month time - a goal date - to reread and reedit what I see - so that I can finish up the story. I have the images in my mind (always have), now I just need to show the world what I see.

Wish me Luck on the future!
Crystal <3

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